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An exhibition by Maud Gironnay

Amazing exhibition of etchings

Noroc! The Romanian tchin, also formulated as a wish for good health...
This expression sums up the spirit of the residency I did in autumn 2021 in Măciuca on the theme of Art & Wine - as part of the European "Nect'art" projects developed by the Groupe d'Action Locale Côte des Bar en Champagne, the GAL Uzège Pont du Gard, and our host the GAL Tinutul Vinului. These exchanges highlight the richness of the wine-growing regions, their know-how and new resources: between discovering the heritage, farms and places of cultivation, the artists then create works in situ to tell the story of their experience. I thought I'd be discovering some watered-down folklore and superstitions, but apart from Vlad Tepes (Dracula) plum spirits and a few legends of the white lady in the forest, the real ghosts turned out to be more gloomy. The shadow of the former USSR, the violence and scars of communism have not disappeared. The colours of a warm-hearted people are reflected in this project, from their small Byzantine houses to their fully painted monasteries, from their generous cuisine to the wild landscapes of the southern Carpathians...